
10 daily habits to help manage your asthma

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May 23, 2024

Managing asthma is about more than just taking medicine. It's about making your surroundings and daily routines better for your breathing. Here are ten daily habits that can help keep your asthma under control and reduce flare-ups.

Start your day right 

Since dirty air can worsen asthma, check the Air Quality Index (AQI) in your area before you go outside. A few ways you can check the AQI are the EPA's AirNow  Website, the Weather App on iOS or Android and Google Maps.

Morning breathing exercises: Do some simple breathing exercises in the morning to help make your lungs stronger and calm you down. Breathing slowly and deeply can be very helpful. (insert video of Chrystal’s box breathing)

Creating a safe home environment 

Minimize indoor allergens: Clean your home regularly to remove dust, pet hair, and mold, which can trigger asthma. You can also create a cheap and effective air purifier at home.

Go fragrance-free: Try to use fewer scented products, such as air fresheners, soaps, and candles. Choose products that don’t have a smell, or that smell natural to avoid breathing problems. Yuka is a free app that offers natural alternatives to your favorite products!

Smart planning and routine 

Regular medication check: Always have your inhaler with you and take your asthma medicines on time. Keep your asthma action plan (link to freebie) with you, and let your Scene health coaches know if you have any flair ups!

Stay hydrated: Drink lots of water all day. Keeping your throat and airways moist can help prevent irritation and make breathing easier. You can track this with the free Water Balance app for iOS / Android, water bottles, or by drinking more water with meals!

While out and about 

Avoid smoke and pollutants: Stay away from smoke, fires, and areas with a lot of car pollution. These can make asthma symptoms much worse. Check the Air Quality Index (AQI) in your area before you go outside.

Wear a scarf or mask: When it’s cold, cover your nose and mouth with a scarf. This warms the air before you breathe it in, which can help prevent asthma attacks. A mask can also help filter out dirt and allergens.

End your day peacefully

Wind down without electronics: Try to use fewer screens at night because the light from screens can make it hard to sleep. You can do this by setting sleep mode on your Apple or Android phone. Sleeping well is important for your health and helps keep your immune system strong, which is good for your asthma.

Reduce bright light: Dim the lights as the evening rolls in, especially overhead ones. This helps signal to your body that it's time to unwind and get ready for bed. Like putting away screens before bedtime, reducing bright light exposure can also help you get better sleep. These habits can help you create a better environment for managing asthma, preventing flare-ups, and improving how you feel every day.

The content on this site is not and should not be considered medical advice or a substitute for individual medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always talk to your health care provider(s) for diagnosis and treatment, including information regarding which drugs, therapy, or other treatment may be appropriate for you. Learn more here.

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