Tips on how to lower your salt
Who doesn't enjoy a pizza or taco night? We sure do! Let's learn how to make these meals even better for our hearts and our blood pressure. If you need help with lowering your salt connect with the care team by self enrolling, calling us at (410) 348-1905 or sending us an email.
Sodium-mostly known as salt-is a sneaky ingredient that is added to food and then through the stomach into our blood. Sodium pulls water into blood vessels, filling them up and increasing blood pressure. The American Heart Association recommends no more than 2,300 mg a day - ideally aiming for 1,500 mg per day for most adults.
Watch this video on how coach Chrystal reads food labels and uncovers how healthy or unhealthy certain foods really are!
Here are four tips to help you start lowering your salt
1. Know that most of the salt we eat is added into cooked, prepared, or processed foods, not from a salt shaker. A simple rule is that the closer a food is to ready-to-eat, the more salt is in it.
2. Learn to read the nutrition facts label so you can compare sodium between your choices. For example, which sandwich bread has the least sodium per slice? Learn more about reading labels.
3. Ask your doctor to recommend a nutritionist, or talk with your Scene nurse about learning more about low-sodium foods and recipes that will work well for your life.
4. Check out more information on your own:
• Lower salt at the grocery store, home, and restaurants
• Seven ways to follow a low-sodium diet
• How much sodium should I eat per day?
• Low salt recipes
Remember, making changes to your diet can be done one step at a time! Talk to your Scene nurse about how you and your family eat, and they will help you make a plan to improve your health bit by bit.
Need help?
Do you need more support in creating and following an asthma action plan? Our care team is here to help. Have you downloaded the app? Send us a message through the Spotlight app for iOS or Spotlight app for Android. If not, call us at (410) 348-1905 or send us an email.
Additional resources
• AARP podcast about reducing sodium, finding substitutes
• AHA Effects of sodium infographic
• American Heart Association: Heart healthy grocery list
The content on this site is not and should not be considered medical advice or a substitute for individual medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always talk to your health care provider(s) for diagnosis and treatment, including information regarding which drugs, therapy, or other treatment may be appropriate for you. Learn more here.